Board of Directors

Jean Bosco BAZIE Executive Chairman

Jean Bosco BAZIE, is Executive President of the Eau Vive Internationale federation based in...

Eline GOSSET Vice President
Bernard MARQUE Co-Treasurer
Jérome YODA Co-Treasurer
Madeleine YAMEOGO President Eau Vive Burkina Faso
Eline GOSSET President of Eau Vive France
Maxime TRAORE President Eau Vive Mali
Boureima AMADOU President Eau Vive Niger

Boureima AMADOU is a statistician-economist engineer, expert in local development and social mutuality. He is a...

Lamine BA President Eau Vive Senegal
Eugénie KODJOLO President Eau Vive Togo

Mrs KODJOLO Koudjoukalo Eugénie, wife MESSENE DE CARVALHO, of Togolese nationality, was born on...


Assemblée générale 2022 : Eau Vive Internationale mobilise ses membres pour répondre à l’appel au secours du Sahel dans un contexte sécuritaire des plus fragiles.

General Assembly 2022: Eau Vive Internationale mobilizes its members to respond to the call for help from the Sahel in a most fragile security context.